How Religion is like specs!!
My views about religion and religious extremism and how it is similar to your nanny’s glasses.
Bear with me, this could ruffle some feathers!! So kindly read till the end.
Religion is a very ancient concept. Religion played an important role in shaping human civilization. Infact in my opinion the base or core of human civilizations was based on religion. Now there will be people arguing about this, but the way I see religion played an important role in shaping out our lives knowingly or unknowingly.
It is said that, man’s incapability of understanding things around him and his fear for unexplainable things made him search for a concept called religion and God. During prehistoric times, humans used to worship natural forces like Earth, Fire, water, Lightning etc. They knew the ‘the wrath' of nature was above their control, hence in fear, humans started to worship them. They didn’t even let any wild beasts escape. Humans started to worship them too.
Centuries passed and human necessity to understand things made him more into science of different phenomenons. As science shaped and explained lot of things, religions also started to get shaped and evolve from their basic forms. Today religion is somewhat a political tool. In cotemporary world its is used to control people rather than worship a deity. Now I’m not an atheist. I do believe in God. But I do have objections against certain practices of my own religion. In moderm era people are more into atheism than into a particular religion. Atheism is growing rapidly around the world especially in the west as we speak. Sure, I can understand how atheists think. Why would one believe in something that he or she doesn’t see? Even if one is to believe, which one should he/she believe? There are hundreds of Gods in different religion all together. And people likes to bash religion for all the bad things that happening in world.
Sure they are correct to some extent. Today like I said religion is a tool to keep people divided and in control.
But don’t you think it’s easier to bash religion sitting in a religiously established society? Think about it, how did us humans evolved in a such a ‘law and orderly’ manner? How the term morality and humanity bloomed within us? I think religion played an important role in it.
Imagine this. I want something from you. What’s stopping me from taking your life and stealing that thing from you? Obviously you will say, it’s against law and I will be punished under law. It is true, but how is laws and judiciary framed? How is their borders or limits set? Which acts of humans should be punished and which acts of humans should be rewarded?
How is a theif killing a person from robbery different from a soldier killing terrorists? What is good? What is bad? How can you classify actions of individuals into good and bad? I think there religion comes in handy. Religion established an order in society and instilled morality in people. Sure there will be minor differences here and there, but almost every religion teaches you to love people and do good things. Killing people or hurting people is seen as a biggest sin in almost every religion. So things are lot more easier in that context.I mean what is a better way for keeping people in check by saying “An unknown superpower is watching you from above. Behave yourself!” And like a bunch of school kids, you fall in line. I mean we have to right? That’s what we all are grown up hearing. So I don’t believe in what I call “atheist bashing” religious people.
Infact I’m a religious person too. I believe in a God who made us all and ask us to do good things. And any God who asks you this is my God. Thats it. Do good, Live and let live. Life is simple. Let me practice my beliefs and let others practice theirs. As long as either of us are not bothering each other, what’s the issue.? In the end we all are humans trying to survive and live in this world.
But there is a certain section of people who are vigorous in this aspect. They are so “religiously motivated” that they breathe religion. Sometimes I wonder whether God even remember creating them! Now I’m not saying being religious is bad. But some literally become so indulged in religion that they starts to hate others and their faith.
Like I said Religion is like specs in my opinion. I’ll explain. When you feel weak on eye sight, you consult an eye doctor. He then thoroughly examines your eyes and prescribe you suitable specs or glasses with suitable power. And when you put the glasses on your vision gets more clear than before. Religion is like that only. When you get down in life, with proper guidance, religions can give you hope and better vision. Religious extremist are different from this. They choose their own glasses instead of consulting with a certified doctor. They will be like the more power the better. They don’t choose the glasses according to their eyes sight. They choose powerful glasses thinking it will make their vision more clear. Or sometimes they want to use the glasses of others saying “it worked for them”. Now instead of getting a clear vision your eyes are blurry. You feel like the entire world is distorted and everyone you see is against you. And you don’t choose to remove those glasses. You keep wearing them and in the end you ultimately go blind. And what does the extremist guy say after going blind? “God chose to gave me blindness. I’m blinf because God want me to, and not because I was dumb to wear high power glasses. So I should be grateful!”
Thank you for reading.
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