Dark Humour, a veil for Intellectually challenged..
Why limits should not be crossed!

Humour, the ability to make people laugh. We all love a good old joke right? Everyone loves to laugh alot and always be happy. I mean laughing do have alot of health benefit isn’t it? Some people are born with built in talent to make people laugh. While some are just not funny. Humour is highly subjective. Some people has high high standards of humour while others readily laugh on any jokes. There are many types of jokes. ‘Dad' jokes, adult jokes, Situational humour are few of them.
But over the past years a new ‘type' of humour has evolved. These types of jokes are rampant mostly on social medias for obvious reasons. The new type of humour is called, ‘Dark humour' which is in my opinion, quite absurd. So basically in dark humour you get to make fun of people on sensitive topics. Thats right, you can joke on disasters, deaths, disabilities or even race and still be funny under the label ‘Dark humour’. I find this concept highly weird. Why? Because all these things can get you trouble in real life. Even in social media, there is a constant fear of getting cancelled for such things. And all these can done ‘legally' under the name of Dark humour!

Now people will say “oh, ease up a bit. It’s just a joke, nothing to be taken seriously of. Don’t be a snowflake!”. I’m sorry but there is a time and place for everything. Every platform is not a dank meme page. There is a reason why we are taught not to make fun of others and their miseries. No matter what you call that, it’s wrong. Even if its a dark humour.
Like I said before. Humour is subjective. Not everyone will take the joke as you intend to. You never know, what a person is going through in his life. Your few seconds of joke to look cool in front of others and Internet clout can ruin some body’s life. You dark joked about somebody and both of you laughed. Good. But what if the other person doesn’t take it as a joke?

And most importantly in the name of dank culture and dark humour, people are just spitting blatant rascist remarks on others to act funny or cool. This, which was once limited to dank meme pages now reached a point where normal posts are getting spammed by such remarks on social media. Imagine a person who is doing a thing he likes without bothering anyone is getting bombarded with racist remarks, just because some people thought it was funny? All these existed in the past. People made fun of other’s religion, race, gender, culture, language, etc. But in the past it was dealt properly and was shunned. But now, we live in a world were mediocrity and immaturity is being celebrated and promoted. Making racist remarks on people are now considered funny and cool. This shows how we are failing as a society. I still stand to my opinion that dark jokes are not funny. Rather its a veil for people to rant on others pointing out and imposing their insecurities on others. There are no justification for laughing at people’s miseries.
I hope you guys enjoyed reading my post. If you do please leave 50 claps. Thank you for reading 🙂
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